* ADL Recognition Based on the Combination of RFID and Accelerometer SensingMaja Stikic, Tâm Huynh, Kristof Van Laerhoven, Bernt Schielefor your next seminar.
希望9/19以前工作指引研究可以有些進展,投稿到CHI 2009ACM CHI 是此類研究首屈一指http://www.chi2009.org/Authors/CallForPapers/Subcommittees.htmlCHI= Computer Human Interface
2 則留言:
* ADL Recognition Based on the Combination of RFID and Accelerometer Sensing
Maja Stikic, Tâm Huynh, Kristof Van Laerhoven, Bernt Schiele
for your next seminar.
希望9/19以前工作指引研究可以有些進展,投稿到CHI 2009
ACM CHI 是此類研究首屈一指
CHI= Computer Human Interface